Commercial Consultancy

Are you facing pressure on profit margins, increased competition, over-capacity , too many me-too products, services and activities?

Narrow Web Commercial Consultancy

Companies without innovation and changes are standing still or even worse, are going back-wards, says Mats Dudli of Promatec.

The size of a business and turn-over are not the key to continuous success, but profit margins, innovation, market niche applications etc. are, hence a must to any business success. Sales and Marketing people have to change from just selling to work closer on customer relationship by understanding their future goals and needs and then develop jointly a long-term business development partnership with innovative solutions.

Most businesses are aware of this but too involved in their day-to-day business and do not give the necessary attention. Actions are often taken too late and there is no quick-fix as only on-going and long-term attention will lead to success.
Our approach is to listen and analyse first and then present a first working document with suggestions to be discussed and prioritised together, before an action plan can start. This includes a training program as this is key to change people’s attitude and makes them more open minded in approaching new ideas and changes to their daily business activities.

  • Unbiased, independent evaluation and negotiation for the best commercial decision on equipment.
  • Consumables purchasing advice
  • Procurement dealings and support
  • Industry News update service

For further information, please contact us using our online form, or by emailing (or telephone +41 71 940 04 05).